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Truth or Dare Jayne Ann Krentz 9780749934965 Books

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Truth or Dare Jayne Ann Krentz 9780749934965 Books

Why is this only 4 stars since it's one of my favorites? Because some of the things that other reviewers have mentioned are true. It did have enough romance for me, but I'll have to agree that there were a lot of different story threads and not much of a mystery. In that sense, the first book of the duology - "Light in Shadow" - was the stronger book.

Both books are favorites, but I think I like "Truth or Dare" a bit better because I got a clearer idea of what was driving Ethan, who was a little bit too alpha hero for me in the first book. In a sense, "Light in Shadow" was Zoe's book and "Truth or Dare" is Ethan's.

Bottomline - I love both of the books and think the good parts are more than worth the lack of mystery and too many plot lines.

Read Truth or Dare Jayne Ann Krentz 9780749934965 Books

Tags : Truth or Dare [Jayne Ann Krentz] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Zoe is an interior designer with a unique sense of style. But even more uncanny is her sense of what's going on under the surface,Jayne Ann Krentz,Truth or Dare,Piatkus Books,0749934964,Adventure thriller,Fiction

Truth or Dare Jayne Ann Krentz 9780749934965 Books Reviews

This is better than the first book

Arcadia's past comes back which is referenced in the first book

Zoe and Ethan are making their marriage work.
A tangled web inter weaves the lives of six friends and their mysterious pasts. Couldn't put it down and get hated to finish it.
Loved Whispering Springs books!! Truth or Dare is the last installment on Ethan & Zoe and the gang, it was a great read, enjoyed the suspense and twists.
I adored JAK's Light in Shadow - the first in the Whispering Springs Novels. The characters were crisp, witty and it was JAK at her best.
This is not.
Not that it is bad. It's just this is in the pattern of her recent trilogies of books. One really good and then two weaker continuation of the same story. I really hoped since Light and Shadow was so strong that she would break that curse. I love JAK - she is one of my favourite writers, but I do feel let down by these weaker part 2 and 3 of her JAK and Quick efforts of late. Only the Eclipse Bay books were as good all the way through. In paperback, maybe you would grump less, but at hardback prices her fans deserver a little bit more.
When we last saw the Whispering Hills gang, it was just a month early. Ethan Truax, PI, had married Zoe Luce to stop Zoe's brother-in-law from trying to pop her back in to the high-priced Candle Lake Manor Psychiatric Hospital. The bluff had worked and the mystery - who killed Zoe's husband - was solved. Zoe's fellow escapee from Crystal Lake - Arcadia was now living with Harry, Ethan's PI friend. Neither Zoe or Arcadia had mental problems, but Crystal Lake specialised in hiding rich people's "embarrassments" - for enough money they quietly keep the problemsome relative away from prying eyes. However, in Arcadia's case, she was actually hiding from a husband, and deliberately checked herself into Crystal Lake. Grant Loring tried to kill her. She figured her husband would never look for her at an institute for the mentally ill.
Arcadia suddenly fears, Grant's still alive - not dead from a skiing accident as reported - and that he has now decided to come after his wife who has too much information on him. She fears her "new" identity has been compromised.
But the whole gang, for one reason or another is uneasy. It's November, the month Ethan's brother was murdered, leaving Ethan, Bonnie, his sister-in-law, and his two nephews dealing with the grief. Ethan also is concerned about his marriage. He jumped at the chance to use the excuse of protecting Zoe, when he really wanted to marry her. Now, he fears she may be having second thoughts. Zoe is having seconds thoughts, but not because of love. She loves Ethan, but he refuses to believe Zoe is psychic, just chalks up her "gift" to good intuition. She feels if he cannot accept WHAT she is how can he love her? This is a sticking point, especially when she starts running into "spider webs" of dark emotions somehow connected to Crystal Lake. But those worries, take a back seat when someone tries to kill Ethan. Is it connected to his brother's death? Connected to Zoe's stay at Crystal Lake? Or the con man that Ethan exposed?
Frankly, this books is a pleasant read, with some really fine JAK's humour, but on the whole, she once again has too many story lines going all at once - to hide there is not much of a mystery (Smoke and Mirrors problem). The romance between Zoe and Ethan gets pushed aside as it become the "Gang's" Story. It's like JAK has lost the heart to write romance, so she covers it with food, food and more food (Quick's Don't Look Back's Problem).
This is enjoyable, diverting, and will please fans, but they would do well to wait for paperback. Then you won't feel so let down.
The same complaints I see from other readers concerning her last half dozen books - thin mysteries, too many story threads and not enough romance on the leads - seems to be a trap JAK is falling into over and over again.
Truth or Dare perfectly rounded out the stories started in Light and Shadow. So happy I read them both. I love Jayne Ann Krentz writing and she did not let me down
I adored JAK's Light in Shadow - the first in the Whispering Springs Novels. The characters were crisp, witty and it was JAK at her best.

This does measure up to that book. Not that it is bad. It's just this is in the pattern of her recent trilogies of books. One really good and then two weaker continuation of the same story. I really hoped since Light and Shadow was so strong that she would break that curse. I love JAK - she is one of my favourite writers, but I do feel a wee bit let down by these weaker part 2 and 3 books. Only the Eclipse Bay books were as good all the way through, in fact got stronger as they went. In paperback, maybe you would grump less, but at hardback prices her fans might feel they deserve a little bit more.

When we last saw the Whispering Hills gang, it was just a month early. Ethan Truax, PI, had married Zoe Luce to stop Zoe's brother-in-law from trying to pop her back in to the high-priced Candle Lake Manor Psychiatric Hospital. The bluff had worked and the mystery - who killed Zoe's husband - was solved. Zoe's fellow escapee from Crystal Lake - Arcadia was now living with Harry, Ethan's PI friend. Neither Zoe or Arcadia had mental problems, but Crystal Lake specialised in hiding rich people's "embarrassments" - for enough money they quietly keep the problemsome relative away from prying eyes. However, in Arcadia's case, she was actually hiding from a husband, and deliberately checked herself into Crystal Lake. Grant Loring tried to kill her. She figured her husband would never look for her at an institute for the mentally ill.

Arcadia suddenly fears, Grant's still alive - not dead from a skiing accident as reported - and that he has now decided to come after his wife who has too much information on him. She fears her "new" identity has been compromised.

The whole gang, for one reason or another is uneasy. It's November, the month Ethan's brother was murdered, leaving Ethan, Bonnie, his sister-in-law, and his two nephews dealing with the grief. Ethan also is concerned about his marriage. He jumped at the chance to use the excuse of protecting Zoe, when he really wanted to marry her. Now, he fears she may be having second thoughts. Zoe is having seconds thoughts, but not because of love. She loves Ethan, but he refuses to believe Zoe is psychic, just chalks up her "gift" to good intuition. She feels if he cannot accept WHAT she is how can he love her? This is a sticking point, especially when she starts running into "spider webs" of dark emotions somehow connected to Crystal Lake. But those worries, take a back seat when someone tries to kill Ethan. Is it connected to his brother's death? Connected to Zoe's stay at Crystal Lake? Or the con man that Ethan exposed?

Frankly, this books is a enjoyable read, with some really fine JAK's humour. On the whole, she once again has too many story lines going all at once - to hide there is not much of a mystery (Smoke and Mirrors problem). The romance between Zoe and Ethan is pushed aside as it become the "Gang's" Story. Maybe it's a transitional period for JAK. That passion for writing romance seem to have lost that brilliant spark. She covers with extra story threads, lots of chatter about food (yes, we know JAK doesn't like meat!!) food, food and more food (Quick's Don't Look Back's Problem).

This is enjoyable, diverting, and will please fans, but they would do well to wait for paperback.

The same complaints I see from other readers concerning her last half dozen books - thin mysteries, too many story threads shifting the focus from the leads - and the biggest zinger - not enough romance. This book just seems to anti-climatic after the first brilliant Whispering Springs tale which I adored.
I never thought I would ever write those words in a review about a book written by Jayne Ann Krantz. I have read all of her books, even ones under her pseudo names. It was difficult to even remember what the book was about. So many pages that added nothing to the story. I know everyone has a different opinion, but wish I saved my money and believed the other reviewers.
Why is this only 4 stars since it's one of my favorites? Because some of the things that other reviewers have mentioned are true. It did have enough romance for me, but I'll have to agree that there were a lot of different story threads and not much of a mystery. In that sense, the first book of the duology - "Light in Shadow" - was the stronger book.

Both books are favorites, but I think I like "Truth or Dare" a bit better because I got a clearer idea of what was driving Ethan, who was a little bit too alpha hero for me in the first book. In a sense, "Light in Shadow" was Zoe's book and "Truth or Dare" is Ethan's.

Bottomline - I love both of the books and think the good parts are more than worth the lack of mystery and too many plot lines.
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