Vox Nicholson Baker 9781862070967 Books

Vox Nicholson Baker 9781862070967 Books
Story is told in real time from the perspective of a man and woman on opposite sides of the country chatting on a party line. Remember those? They were a little before before my time. By the time I was a teenager they had been replaced by AOL chatrooms. Anyway, sexy conversation, several sex scenes, some explicit. Characters are smart, I was genuinely interested in their conversation. It's a quick breezy read. Take it to the beach or the pool, you can finish it in one afternoon.
Tags : Vox [Nicholson Baker] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A man and a woman, strangers to each other, residents of distant cities, have both called an adult party line. Finding each other's voice attractive,Nicholson Baker,Vox,Granta Books,1862070962,General & Literary Fiction,Fiction
Vox Nicholson Baker 9781862070967 Books Reviews
Not a boring read. Revolves around 1 telephone call, but will keep you perched on the edge of your seat, you will wana keep eading just to get to the end to see what happens
A fun and interesting read. Baker, as always, is well worth it.
This little book about a phone convo is quite an eye-opener.
I read this 12 years ago in college and never forgot it. What kind of college did I go to, where this was assigned reading? An awesome one. Sexiest book ever. Enjoy.
***ONE THING this is not the fault of the author, but the version of this book is FULL OF TYPOS! Very annoying and totally takes away from the story. It's like a middle school student typed it. Boo!!
Erotica for thinking people
Well, this was the second or third time I have bought this book. I like it quite a bit and keep managing to lend it to people who don't return it!
As one reviewer explained, the "porn" is soft - but the porn isn't what's kept me coming back. The dialogue itself is wonderful. Yes, the character's personalities are a little bland, but I think that's what makes it *good*. If the characters were outlandish and bizarre, their conversation wouldn't be nearly as much fun - these are two utterly ordinary people - having a conversation about things that most people have thought and have perhaps never mentioned out loud.
I for one don't even *read* "erotic novels" - I always wind up laughing too hard to ever get past the first page or two. Vox is surely worth the money, and is thoroughly entertaining. It won't leave you "panting for more", but I at least felt my time and money was well spent (every time I've bought/read it!)
A classic sex novel with no actual sex only just lustful imagery. Sends the reader through an erotic illusion. The setup of just a conversation between two people on the phone, not texting, just their voices, is unique and incredibly intimate. My own copy of this is tattered from use and highlighted like crazy. I've sent this book to friends. Would highly recommend for anyone interested in erotic fiction.
Story is told in real time from the perspective of a man and woman on opposite sides of the country chatting on a party line. Remember those? They were a little before before my time. By the time I was a teenager they had been replaced by AOL chatrooms. Anyway, sexy conversation, several sex scenes, some explicit. Characters are smart, I was genuinely interested in their conversation. It's a quick breezy read. Take it to the beach or the pool, you can finish it in one afternoon.

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