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∎ PDF Free Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books

Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books

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Download PDF Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books

Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books

My actual rating lies at 3.5 Stars, but since Goodreads still isn't cool enough to accompany my swag, I had to settle with 3 stars on the Rating bar up there.

I'm kind of sad that the Trilogy is over, but GOSH was it a fun ride! I really enjoyed this last book of David's Evolution Trilogy! The plot, characters, and ending totally blew me away as always, and just wow.

Gabriel effectively has me worshipping at his altar. That sexy angel-booy can have me any time he wants :) His inner struggles in this final book are even more interesting than they were before, and the whole situation with Dionysus and David adds a whole new level of depth to Gabriel's suffering.

Taylor also became a little more likeable in this last book, and I think it was because she actually had something more to contribute this time around. With her new evolution, Taylor's powers grew and she trained to learn how to fight, and I found her abilities to be quite fascinating and creative.

The ending was good, but not as good as I hoped it would be. Demon Evolution really raised my expectations of this trilogy, and I was slightly let down when the final battle just kind of ended - a little too easily to be plausible. I mean Dionysus is highly evolved, nearly invincible, and he just died without fighting back. The whole "Great War" kind of just ended, and a little too easily for my liking. I expected more conflict - like a showdown between David and Gabriel, or a huuuuugely suspenseful battle between Dionysus and Taylor. But none of that happened. :( And I was a little disappointed.

All in all, though, this series was great! I loved the concept, and I'm kind of sad to leave the characters and never learn of their futures. I enjoyed the ride immensely, and I hope that all of you people reading this will pick up this series and give it a try! You won't be sorry! :)

Read Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books

Tags : Archangel Evolution: Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy [David Estes] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Archangel Evolution- the third book in the young adult fantasy trilogy: The Evolution Trilogy... The battle concludes... While Taylor is still getting used to her evolution,David Estes,Archangel Evolution: Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1466422939,FICTION Fantasy General

Archangel Evolution Book Three of the Evolution Trilogy David Estes 9781466422933 Books Reviews

Good read
Great finish. David Estes has a winner.
This was a great set of books . Really enjoy them . I am looking forward to something new coming out.
** spoiler alert ** Started off...not slowly but kind of annoying. Taylor kept saying things like "hell yeah" and being really cocky. I didn't like that at all. Finally she got off her high horse and started acting more normal and I started really getting into the story again.

The only issue I really have with this series is how perfect everything is. Best friends fall in love at the same time, every one has someone to be with in the end...everything is sunshine and rainbows. Clifford dies but I didn't really care because obviously he had to.

Aside from that, I am glad I read these books. They were interesting and it was great to see how much stronger Estes; writing is becoming with each novel.
I will not provide any spoilers and keep this simple.... it was AMAZING!!!!

Archangel Evolution did not disappoint, a prefect way to end this trilogy. Once again there is non-stop suspense and this time more action as Taylor begins to hone in on what she has become and what she is capable of. A true archangel stronger, faster and good of heart.

Each character plays a key role in stopping this war that was started for selfish reasons. And they played there parts nicely. Everything was written very well. Throughout this trilogy I was never confused; everything that was written made perfect sense and flowed nicely.

I was left thinking that there is a possibility for more books due to a few loose ends, David for instance or even Sam for that matter but I will let my imagination roam!

I am so sad that its over!
The final instalment of the Evolution Trilogy from David Estes was good. Archangel Evolution saw the end of the trilogy close, but left enough of a story there for another book if David so desired. Perhaps not part of this set of books, but maybe another one set at a later time, with different characters, in the same world after the events in the Evolution Trilogy.

All the usual characters were back in this story, but I felt like it was all a little too happy. The raw emotion of the first book seemed to be missing in this one. Perhaps it was a change in David's writing style, I'm not sure, but I didn't feel as connected with Taylor, Gabriel, Sam or Chris in this book.

I did feel like Sam got a bit more of a look in, as we got to see a bit more of her which was nice, though at one point I did want to throttle her for being so silly. (Wanting make-up over food!! I mean really?)

Monkeys are not marsupials!

Yes, rather random I know, but there's two points in the book where monkeys are labelled marsupials. Unless there's a breed of monkey out there that gives birth to live young and carries them around in a pouch that I'm not aware of, then the use of this word is incorrect.

The editing on this book was good. I didn't pick up a single error )

I wanted to know more about Rocky, there seemed to be a lot of backstory about Taylor and Rocky, yet it didn't really come into play in the books. Was it just filler? I think not, but it didn't seem to have much of a purpose. I also enjoyed the characters Sampson and Kiren; I'd like to have known more about them, about their relationship.

Overall, I liked the book, but the ending was too neat, the climax was a bit 'wishy-washy' and just seemed to 'happen' rather than be constructed. This made it a bit harder to swallow.

I would recommend this trilogy to all YA fans, to people who enjoy a light-hearted paranormal romance (since that's a bit of that throughout) or younger teens from about age 13-14 and up.
My actual rating lies at 3.5 Stars, but since Goodreads still isn't cool enough to accompany my swag, I had to settle with 3 stars on the Rating bar up there.

I'm kind of sad that the Trilogy is over, but GOSH was it a fun ride! I really enjoyed this last book of David's Evolution Trilogy! The plot, characters, and ending totally blew me away as always, and just wow.

Gabriel effectively has me worshipping at his altar. That sexy angel-booy can have me any time he wants ) His inner struggles in this final book are even more interesting than they were before, and the whole situation with Dionysus and David adds a whole new level of depth to Gabriel's suffering.

Taylor also became a little more likeable in this last book, and I think it was because she actually had something more to contribute this time around. With her new evolution, Taylor's powers grew and she trained to learn how to fight, and I found her abilities to be quite fascinating and creative.

The ending was good, but not as good as I hoped it would be. Demon Evolution really raised my expectations of this trilogy, and I was slightly let down when the final battle just kind of ended - a little too easily to be plausible. I mean Dionysus is highly evolved, nearly invincible, and he just died without fighting back. The whole "Great War" kind of just ended, and a little too easily for my liking. I expected more conflict - like a showdown between David and Gabriel, or a huuuuugely suspenseful battle between Dionysus and Taylor. But none of that happened. ( And I was a little disappointed.

All in all, though, this series was great! I loved the concept, and I'm kind of sad to leave the characters and never learn of their futures. I enjoyed the ride immensely, and I hope that all of you people reading this will pick up this series and give it a try! You won't be sorry! )
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