Angus Thongs and FullFrontal Snogging Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Louise Rennison Books

Angus Thongs and FullFrontal Snogging Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Louise Rennison Books
I found this book to be laugh out loud funny at times wiping the tears from my eyes for laughing so hard. Picturing myself as a 14 year old (surely I had similar thoughts about boys and friends, maybe even my parents, who are weird in the mind of a 14 year old) and going through similar situations (not all mind you but some, LOL).Georgia's interactions with her 3 year old sister (Libby) and Angus (the 'cat') were my favorite I think. Libby is as cute as can be! and OMG Angus...hilarious!!
Oh I also got a kick out of Georgia's glossary at the end of the book...terrific addition, LOL
I will be recommending this book to friends, especially my sister-in-law (Lisa) who has the same sense of humor and in my imagination was probably a lot like Georgia at 14!
In my opinion Ms. Rennison did a fantastic job bringing the reader into the state of mind of a humorous teen aged girl and out of the mind of an adult for a me that is worth 5 stars!!

Tags : Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (9780060288143): Louise Rennison: Books,Louise Rennison,Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson,HarperTeen,0060288140,Humorous - General,Diaries;Fiction.,England;Fiction.,Humorous stories.,Children's 12-Up - Fiction - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Diaries,Fiction,Fiction Humorous,Fiction-General,Great BritainBritish Isles,Humorous Stories,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction Social Issues Adolescence,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Monograph Series, any,Social Issues - Adolescence,TEEN'S FICTION - GENERAL,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Humorous General,England,Humorous fiction
Angus Thongs and FullFrontal Snogging Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Louise Rennison Books Reviews
Clever and cute. I enjoyed every minute of reading this book. It captures the teenage girl heart so perfectly.
Georgia Nicholson is many things--rash, self-absorbed, politically incorrect and totally hysterical! I laughed so hard my family wondered what I was doing. In this first book of Louise Rennison's series we get day to day (and sometimes minute-by-minute) accounts of Georgia's problems with embarrassing parents, Angus (her Scottish wildcat), and the very annoying Wet Lindsey. Readers will wonder as they live life with Georgia, "Can she ever win the affection of Robbie, aka `The Sex God'?" Fortunately, Rennison does not answer the question in this book and fans will be forced to keep reading her exploits in the second book of Georgia's confessions.
--Reviewed by Michelle Delisle
This book is a great rendition of what a typical teen-aged girl is going through in her life. I literally read it in less than half of a day. I didn't want to put it down because it is so funny...and true. It is written in diary format and very easy to read. The language barrier between Brit's and American can get somewhat confusing but there is a glossary in the back so that you can look up words if you cannot understand them. This book is basically a younger Bridget Jones...very humorous, very real world.
Georgia has all the trials and tribulations with her pals and family that a typical middle class girl would go through. Her cat is psycho but makes it all that much funnier.
I recommend it for girls ages 12 and up...they will definitely be able to relate!
This is one of my favorite books of all time that I read in high school 2001-2005. It's hilarious and has a lot of spunk to it and after all these years I still use Georgia's phrases such as "poo parlor" or "ho-hum pig's bum". The only thing that bums me out is the book covers changed! The art on the originals were so much fun!!
This book is a must read by all YA fans and just a warning it's British humor, but don't worry. There's a glossary in the back!
This is a great book that I read at the beginning of high school. I ordered it because I have the rest of the series but lost the first book. I was disappointed to have gotten a newer version which has a different cover that does not match the rest of the books in the series. I thought I was getting the green book with the cat on the sofa on the cover, but I got a different one. Oh well. The contents are the same.
I'm 28 and I love this book. My sister recommended it to me and I tried to read it on the train last week. I had to put it away I was laughing so hard that people kept looking at me in a strange way. My sister, by the way, says this makes the book even funnier. I love the honesty, the experiences and the awkwardness of the book. It's refreshing and it makes me enjoy reading fiction again. This is certain to cheer you up and a great gift. I would highly recommend it. The formatting is easy to read and it's styled like a diary with dates and times logged.
Here's my favorite part of the book so far on p.17 "200 p.m. Looking through the old family albums. I'm not really surprised I'm ugly. The photos of Dad as a child are terrifying. His nose is huge - it takes up half of his face. In fact, he is literally just a nose with legs and arms attached."
Imagine that you were a 14 year old girl living in the middle of England with your very odd parents, a mad toddler sister, and a cat who acts like a hungry lion. You are in love with a guy but soon realize that he is going steady with a girl that you and your friends all avoid. Your life couldn't get any worse. But just before you hitch hike to Africa, your live suddenly changes.
If that sounded like a crazy life to you, you are totally correct. That is how Georgia Nicolson lived her life a teenager in England in the book Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging By Louise Rennison.
In Georgia's diary, she is living a crazy life of avoiding her family's togetherness and trying to get the man of her dreams to notice her. She and her handful of friends encounter many daring and very funny obstacles on the way to growing up. She spends most of her time in her room experimenting on different looks or boring herself at her private all girls' school that she hates. Between all the clothes, make-up, stress, boys, and school she encounters a life changing event that she wanted in the beginning.
Georgia tries to get this boy named Robbie to like her. But only one problem... he is 4 years older and he is already taken! But that doesn't stop Georgia. It is either her way or the highway. Can she win Robbie from the mystery girl?
So if you enjoy a funny book written with English humor, and that in the middle of class will have you cracking up, Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging is a great book for you.
I found this book to be laugh out loud funny at times wiping the tears from my eyes for laughing so hard. Picturing myself as a 14 year old (surely I had similar thoughts about boys and friends, maybe even my parents, who are weird in the mind of a 14 year old) and going through similar situations (not all mind you but some, LOL).
Georgia's interactions with her 3 year old sister (Libby) and Angus (the 'cat') were my favorite I think. Libby is as cute as can be! and OMG Angus...hilarious!!
Oh I also got a kick out of Georgia's glossary at the end of the book...terrific addition, LOL
I will be recommending this book to friends, especially my sister-in-law (Lisa) who has the same sense of humor and in my imagination was probably a lot like Georgia at 14!
In my opinion Ms. Rennison did a fantastic job bringing the reader into the state of mind of a humorous teen aged girl and out of the mind of an adult for a me that is worth 5 stars!!

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