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[HLZ]⋙ Download Thief Magic Book 1 of Millennium Rule 9780356501116 Books

Thief Magic Book 1 of Millennium Rule 9780356501116 Books

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Thief Magic Book 1 of Millennium Rule 9780356501116 Books

When choosing whether to read Thief's Magic or not, know that you are getting two stories and the start of a trilogy.

In one world that is running out of magic because of the use of machinery that powers their industrial era, Tyen discovers a book. But not just any book. A book that used to be a human. A human who knew the greatest sorcerer who had lived. But that was 1000 years ago. And now Tyen's discovery sets a chain of events that will see him traveling to distant realms of the planet in order to evade his pursuers who will stop at nothing to lay their hands on the book and the potential it represents for their world and that of other worlds.

In another world, Rielle lives in Frye. Rielle has the talent of an artist but Frye is a patriarchal society ruled in tandem by the wealthy elites and the religious elites. And there is little room for Rielle to be herself. And then there is the problem that Rielle can see the absence of magic. Something that means she would be shunned by society. Or so she thinks. But her world is turned upside and leads to danger upon danger when she encounters a tainted - a person who uses magic and is not part of the religious establishment. And suddenly Rielle must navigate possibilities she had never considered before. Possibilities that could lead to her death or even worse.

This is a good intro. The world building is believable. The characters are fully flushed out. And the plot is good and moves along at a excellent pace. I only wish the other two books of the trilogy were out so I could see how the story ends.

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Thief Magic Book 1 of Millennium Rule 9780356501116 Books Reviews

I’ve tried to make write this review with as few spoilers as possible but there are a few.

This story is told from Tyen (male) and Rielle’s (female) stories viewpoints, the first few chapter are Tyen's, then Rielle's story is told in the next several chapters. I enjoyed the way the book was laid out I liked getting to know about the people and world around them from their views. What I did not like was when it came time to switch to the other character the chapter always seemed to stop at a cliffhanger! It was very rare that this didn’t happen. Switch between characters but not in places that you leave the reader yelling out loud and wanting to throw the kindle down because of where the previous character left off. If you must use this format then do the book in parts telling each viewpoint in once section before switching to the second character. There were times that I wanted to skip ahead to find out what happened, but I knew that if I did it once that I’d do it again and I also probably would not have quit reading that section until the end and then I’d be back in the same situation. If I had read reviews beforehand I may have been tempted to read all of each story and then read the other one.

They are completely different in nearly every way. Rielle is sheltered and well-off while Tyen is poor. He wants to learn magic and hopes to teach there on day. Rielle attends a temple school, she’s intelligent, devout, and a talented painter; she is also supposed to be searching for a husband from among the other wealthy families. Magic is forbidden to all but the priests and Angels and those caught practicing magic are sent to prison; she sees nothing wrong this system. The world’s magic is rapidly depleting and the person who discovers a way to renew the supply of magic they will become rich and famous.

Rielle is one of the rare individuals who can see stain, a sign that she can work In a misguided attempt to help the priests find the person who is corrupting people by teaching them to use magic, she's puts herself in a position where she is forced to learn magic at the corrupter's hands to heal herself. She is given forgiveness by an Angel at the temple; her penance is to atone by replacing the magic she used. She’s forced to leave the town she grew up in and find a place to create magic by painting. During her escape she encounters one of the tainted, and this sets her upon a dangerous course.

On an archeological dig with the school Tyen finds a unique artifact and after examination he discovers that it is a sentient book with centuries of knowledge; it can read the minds of those who hold or touch it and answers any question truthfully. After questioning her he learns she used to be a living woman named Vella who was a maker of magical books until she was changed by one of the most famous and greatest sorcerer's in history. He wants to learn more before he hands her over to The Academy but as he inquires into her story he soon realizes the horror behind Vella's tale he wants to find a way to change her back. Since she has been a book for so long she has lost her emotions and some may find her character to be lackluster but I love her and know that her character will developed more in future books. Vella is an extremely valuable and dangerous find, she has all the information that she has gathered from every person that has ever touched he. . She has the potential to be a powerful aide or weapon to the world and she may be the way for the world to find out how to bring magic back into the world. When The Academy learns of Vella they want to destroy her; when he hides the book from his teachers he is branded a thief and is forced to flee with Vella.

I was disappointed that the book never went what they thought of the societies of their worlds but this may be addressed in later books. If they ever meet maybe they will compare them as a way of understanding. I think I would be great if they met, fell in love and discovered a way to create magic together and that either before magic is restored or after they are able to reverse the spell that Vella is under.

While I enjoyed this book and will continue with the series I still found that it was not up the authors usual standards or the previous series she has written.

4.25.5/5 STARS **I want to thank the author and/or publisher for providing a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review; all opinions are mine.**
‘Thief’s Magic’ by Trudi Canavan is the first in the Millennium’s Rule series. I’m not entirely sure, but it seems that this series is set in the same world as her previous series, The Black Magician trilogy and Traitor Spy – though perhaps in a world that has has become more developed.

We see a world that is currently in an industrial revolution that is powered by magic – there are machines, but they need a skilled man of magic to power them. Tyen is currently studying at the academy, worried that this is the life that awaits him – he would much prefer to be an adventurer, or, failing that, teach history at the academy. It is on an adventure with Professor Kilraker of archaeology that Tyen discovers a seemingly disappointing book. It’s not even jewel-encrusted or gold-embellished, and is even empty when he first opens it… that is until, words start appearing on the page.

The words tell him that the book is in fact made from human skin, hair, bones and tendons, and contains the spirit and thoughts of a woman called Vella, who was transformed into a book by one of history’s most powerful and feared sorcerers of their history. As long as the book is touching human skin, Vella is awake and aware, and able to absorb all knowledge from the person. She is already a wealth of knowledge, though sadly lacking the last few hundred years while she was trapped in the tomb Tyen discovered her in.

From there, Tyen’s life is turned upside down. He must give all discoveries to the Academy, but thinking of giving up Vella is a hard thing to come to terms with. When the Academy discover her existence, they think her evil for the secrets she could so easily gather, and then pass on without hindrance. Then when she goes missing from the vault she’s kept in, Tyen’s set up to take the fall… and with his future at stake, soon there’s only a few options left open to him…

Throughout the novel, it switches between that of two characters – Tyen, as described above, and then also Rielle, a girl situated elsewhere (they never meet in the novel) who, as a female, leads a life of rules and guidance, whether it be from her family or the priests that rule the land. Coming from a family of artisans she’s considered little more than worthless from the rich girls her age she must mingle with, but as her family are wealthy, she is held above the truly dirty, and is pushed from all sides to do the right thing at all times in order to keep her family’s name in good standing. That is, at least, until she meets a very good looking man, who is unfortunately, also an artist.

Combine the above with the fact she has a talent for magic, even though to use magic itself is considered to be stealing from the Angels, and we have an unfortunate life for Rielle. It truly doesn’t seem like a good land to be a woman, especially one that can use magic, and see the taint it leaves behind.

Overall this is a rollicking start to a new series by Canavan, who writes books that are hard to put down and easy to read in one sitting. One minor quibble I have is for a plot point in Rielle’s life, that seems to happen too suddenly without the build-up required. By the time the effects of the plot point are in motion, I found it hard to believe it was actually happening, as it seemed to have come on too easily as though nothing dramatic was really happening. It seemed like a little more writing was needed in between, that may have been cut to get Rielle from one stage in her life onto the next within a few pages.

Other than that, the characters were interesting and very enjoyable, and it’ll be interesting to see how they meet eventually. Really, there were two stories in this book as Rielle and Tyen don’t intersect at all.

The next book in the series is slated to be called Angel of Storms to be released in 2015. Then there shall be Successor’s Son in 2016.
When choosing whether to read Thief's Magic or not, know that you are getting two stories and the start of a trilogy.

In one world that is running out of magic because of the use of machinery that powers their industrial era, Tyen discovers a book. But not just any book. A book that used to be a human. A human who knew the greatest sorcerer who had lived. But that was 1000 years ago. And now Tyen's discovery sets a chain of events that will see him traveling to distant realms of the planet in order to evade his pursuers who will stop at nothing to lay their hands on the book and the potential it represents for their world and that of other worlds.

In another world, Rielle lives in Frye. Rielle has the talent of an artist but Frye is a patriarchal society ruled in tandem by the wealthy elites and the religious elites. And there is little room for Rielle to be herself. And then there is the problem that Rielle can see the absence of magic. Something that means she would be shunned by society. Or so she thinks. But her world is turned upside and leads to danger upon danger when she encounters a tainted - a person who uses magic and is not part of the religious establishment. And suddenly Rielle must navigate possibilities she had never considered before. Possibilities that could lead to her death or even worse.

This is a good intro. The world building is believable. The characters are fully flushed out. And the plot is good and moves along at a excellent pace. I only wish the other two books of the trilogy were out so I could see how the story ends.
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