Taken by Storm Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books

Taken by Storm Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books
If this is the final book in the series then I am sadly disappointed with the turn of events. There were many loose ends tied up in this book but there was also a very tragic death that I couldn't get over because it was before they even really got to show the person live. So out of all the ways this could have been written to end, this was by far the most unsatisfying.On a weird note about the used book I purchased... It was a library book?

Tags : Amazon.com: Taken by Storm (9781606843192): Jennifer Lynn Barnes: Books,Jennifer Lynn Barnes,Taken by Storm,EgmontUSA,1606843192,Animals - General,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Werewolves;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction Animals Wolves & Coyotes,Juvenile Fiction Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal,TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,Werewolves,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Animals General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural
Taken by Storm Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books Reviews
[Taken from my blog.]
Is this the last one in this series? I thought that this was a trilogy, but now I'm wishing that there's more, and am unsure if there is going to be more or not. I could deal with that ending, I guess, but, you know, I want more.
A lot happened in this book that I wasn't expecting. Some in a good way, and some in a way that truly upsets me. Like with what happened with Chase. I'm not going to ruin that, but I am very not happy about it. I didn't want to accept it when it happened, and I didn't really let myself think that it was going to happen before it did, and I still don't want to accept it. That just... that's not okay. Not at all.
Anyway. In this book, Bryn has to deal with the other Alphas for a bit, and she finds out that there's a rabid out there, doing stuff, and they need to be taken care of, and there's also some stuff with Lake that I enjoyed, and with Jed and Caroline, some of which I liked. There's just... a lot. A lot happened in this book. I don't want to spoil too much, but there's another supernatural element thrown in that I wasn't expecting, and then some alpha stuff happens that I wasn't expecting, and some of which I'm happy about. But I'm a little upset over Devon (and Chase), and I want to know what's going to happen with the other alphas. I kind of like what happened with Devon, though, and I knew it was going to happen eventually. And I do like what was going on with Bryn and Callum at the very end. That needed to happen, and I was looking forward to it.
This was just really good. I liked it, and I want more.
Now, the few things that bothered me, and that I know could bother other people. Barnes tends to write long sentences, with lots of punctuation. That's not really a bad thing, as I know that I do it a lot, but I try to shorten it and add variety, which I think she could try doing a bit more of. And she emphasis that Bryn and most of her pack are Resilient way too much. It's almost shoved in your face with how many times she says it, and how insistent she is to make the point that they can survive and all that. That's obviously something I can overlook, neither of these things bothered me too much, but she could still tone them down a little.
I read this a couple of weeks ago, but I think I'm still reeling. Mostly from what happened with Chase and Devon, because I'm not very happy about it, and I want more. I want her to continue this series, very badly, and I don't know if this is the last one or not. I hope not.
(Sidenote The covers. I liked the first one, but didn't enjoy the second one, and like this one even less. I'm not sure why, but I think the colors are a little off, and maybe I don't like the model and how she's posed. Maybe it looks a little fake to me, or something. What do you guys think?)
This is a perfect novel IF there ends up being a fourth book. This is because the book ends literally with our heroine in the act of a life changing event. "Taken by Storm" ties up a ton of other story lines which is satisfying and heartbreaking in turn but the story still doesn't feel complete. It feels like a game changer (or shall I say, a series changer) but in no way, shape or form does this feel like a series finale.
Bryn and her pack must find a ex pack member who may be involved with some grisly murders taking place across different pack lines. They want to get to Maddie before another pack does. I almost can't say another thing about the plot because it sounds so simple but it is anything but. This was such a well written and intriguing book. Ms. Barnes doesn't take the easy route. She made some tough decisions and puts her characters through pain and heartbreak. The resolution to the Shay storyline and what it means for his brother Devon was completely amazing. I couldn't believe how well thought out and thrilled I was with the way the good guys pulled off a win in this piece of the story.
There was a shocking death I would NEVER have predicted. I was bothered by this but apparently not as much as many fans. I think it could be a great transitional point if this series continues. I really hope it does continue. For all the wonderful YA books out there, this series may be among the best. If there is not another story than I can't say I am happy with this book because the story will feel so incomplete and darn it, the series shouldn't be allowed to end with Bryn so unhappy.
The first thing I would like to mention is that the above description doesn't convey what this book is about AT ALL. I was not prepared for the direction that Ms. Barnes took this series and I'm not sure if I like that direction. It is painful and brutal. I really don't want to include spoilers in this review but some really bad stuff happens throughout this book.
In the beginning of the book, Bryn and Callum have maintained a good relationship. She knows that deep down Callum would never let anything happen to her. By the end, Bryn's belief in Callum has completely shattered. For Bryn, the end doesn't justify the means. This is one of the directions that I didn't like. Callum actions, or lack of action, destroyed Bryn deep into her soul. I don't know how she can recover. I know that she is Resilient but no one is that strong. I really don't think a character should face that much pain. Bryn has way too much responsibility as an alpha of a werewolf pack. Because of it she is losing her humanity. She has to make brutal and life-changing decisions that few people can psychologically handle.
I found some of the storylines far-fetched, even for a paranormal novel. Shadows are introduced and I had a hard time accepting that whole concept. I don't want to give anything away but the use of the Shadow, to me, didn't fit in with a werewolf story. Like I said, a little too far-fetched. I found the Shadows distracted me from the climax of the story. I was nowhere near prepared for the climax and ending of the story. It really blew me away.
Overall, I didn't like where the story took Bryn. I think it will be hard for her character to recover and be able to lead any kind of a happy life. I think the author may have dug herself into a little hole and it will be difficult to get out. However, I will read the next book in the series. Taken by Storm ended with a huge cliff-hanger and I want to see what happens next.
If this is the final book in the series then I am sadly disappointed with the turn of events. There were many loose ends tied up in this book but there was also a very tragic death that I couldn't get over because it was before they even really got to show the person live. So out of all the ways this could have been written to end, this was by far the most unsatisfying.
On a weird note about the used book I purchased... It was a library book?

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