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Sanctus Simon Toyne 9780007391554 Books

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Sanctus Simon Toyne 9780007391554 Books

This is a terrific book, truly thrilling, with some surprises and lots of intriguing possibilities. It's the first of a trilogy and, although I think there are too many trilogies on the market, this is one time I approve. It starts off mysteriously enough, with a monk in an ancient and secretive order. It looks as if his brethren are going to kill him, but he escapes...sort of. This sets off a chain reaction that involves the entire planet. But the focus is on the monk's sister, a journalist who has been searching for him for years. As soon as she learns of his whereabouts, she heads to Ruin, Turkey, where there are those who seek to kill her at all costs, and others equally devoted to saving her life. In the meantime, the world is changing in astonishing ways, from unexpected weather events to the migration of people and animals. The characters are intriguing and most are well rounded. The writing is very good and keeps the reader turning pages as fast as possible. I wanted to read it in one sitting, but have to work for a living and was impatient for the workday to end so I could return to this enthralling adventure. By the way, the heroine's name is Liv Adamsen...her name is highly significant, so keep it in mind.

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Tags : Sanctus [Simon Toyne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Unusual book,Simon Toyne,Sanctus,HarperCollins,0007391552,Fiction - General,Thrillers

Sanctus Simon Toyne 9780007391554 Books Reviews

I took one star off because it ended with too many questions; too much was unresolved; and also because it's not believable fantasy. I understand that it's one in a trilogy, but some authors can make a thriller stand alone, even while getting you so interested that you can't wait to see what happens next. I did become involved, and didn't want to stop reading, but some of the speculation was far-fetched and unbelievable, so I read those parts as fantasy. This was relatively clean regarding language, which I always appreciate. It had moderate-to-heavy violence and gore, so you need a somewhat strong stomach to read it. The story was interesting and well laid out, with a lot of action and intrigue. It's worth reading, but I think I`ll go for the other authors who are more familiar to me. I like John Grisham and Lisa for legal thrillers, Gini Koch for humorous alien action stories, Lisa Scottoline again and Lorena McCourtney for humor with mystery, and David Brin and Douglas Adams along with a lot of others for sci fi. I also go for the classics. It depends what mood I'm in!
This was the best, most frustrating, and creepy trilogies that I have read in a long time. These books substantiate without skipping a beat that the hierarchy of the Church with their male egocentric self-serving agendas will always come first with no conscience for the resulting collateral damage. It is historical fact that the Church chose desperately to control all the written knowledge they were able to get their hands on. If they could not twist it to their agenda then they destroyed it, locked it up, or just made it up as they went along then turned it into doctrine so that they could shove it down the population’s collective throats to control entire kingdoms, countries, and populations. To have any library with the collected knowledge of so many ancient civilizations locked away so that no one can have access except those “approved” few was and still is criminal. Just look at the Vatican archives, it is exceptionally difficult to get into them to do research. There is so much hidden knowledge in there that the Church has deliberately withheld from the world to ensure that their agenda is not disrupted. They still cling to taboos that were created centuries ago out of ignorance and fear of what they did not understand at the time. Conspiracy theories aside, for centuries the Church has deliberately impeded people using their critical thinking skills. The Church has felt that most people are too ignorant and stupid to comprehend and understand anything other than what the Church approves of. It also has a well-documented dirty history, which for all their so-called piety cannot be whitewashed. In fact, it is a very bloody history – lots of poison, many murders, kidnappings, torture, theft, and even to euthanizing entire populations both Christian and non, etc. is all well documented and cannot be swept under the rug. As long as any religion promotes fear through ignorance vs. allowing people to think for themselves – wars will continue and the collateral damage keeps piling up. This is one series where the reader will cheer the protagonists along all the way to the last page.
I greatly appreciated the strong female characters in the hero role, not what I would have expected! And the resolution was extremely unusual, unexpected and once again surprisingly feminist. But unfortunately, the writing in general was kind of tedious. Lots of books start out by throwing you into the middle of an action scene where you can't get your bearing, but normally the events leading up to that scene are explained in the next few chapters. This one left me hanging for fully 25% of the book before the explanation came as to who the man in that first scene was, where he was and why, which gave the sense of floundering for a very long time.

The dialogues felt natural and carried the story along very nicely, but the action scenes were so ridiculously filled with tedious detail that I found myself skimming them. It was like "He sat down in the car and inserted the key in the ignition. He then turned it three-quarters of the way until he heard the engine catch, then released it, pressing down on the accelerator to rev the engine to life. He pressed down the clutch and slid the gearshift to the far right and back, then accelerated slowly while gradually releasing the clutch until the car started to roll backwards." Instead of saying, "He started the car and backed out."

When I saw that there was a sequel, I was torn between wanting to know what happens next and thinking I just can't bear to read any more of this. Shame, because the story really had a lot of good points and could be reworked to be very engaging. Might make a good movie if Hollywood didn't feel the need to always put a man in the hero role.
This is a terrific book, truly thrilling, with some surprises and lots of intriguing possibilities. It's the first of a trilogy and, although I think there are too many trilogies on the market, this is one time I approve. It starts off mysteriously enough, with a monk in an ancient and secretive order. It looks as if his brethren are going to kill him, but he escapes...sort of. This sets off a chain reaction that involves the entire planet. But the focus is on the monk's sister, a journalist who has been searching for him for years. As soon as she learns of his whereabouts, she heads to Ruin, Turkey, where there are those who seek to kill her at all costs, and others equally devoted to saving her life. In the meantime, the world is changing in astonishing ways, from unexpected weather events to the migration of people and animals. The characters are intriguing and most are well rounded. The writing is very good and keeps the reader turning pages as fast as possible. I wanted to read it in one sitting, but have to work for a living and was impatient for the workday to end so I could return to this enthralling adventure. By the way, the heroine's name is Liv Adamsen...her name is highly significant, so keep it in mind.
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